La Trappe Trappistenbier Dubbel
500mL bottle at 7.0% ABV
Appearance: 9/10 (A-)
A frothy beer, with an excellent mahogany color and a light tan head. Unfortunately, the head barely lasts at all, quickly reducing to a thin layer. Excellent lacing.
Aroma/Nose: 6/10 (C-)
Definitely a very strong beer, with a smell that matches. It is, however, very pleasant to the nose, with fruity aromas of citrus coming through.
Mouthfeel: 7.5/10 (B-)
A very creamy beer, to say the least, with a very smooth texture and a warm feeling. It is, however, just a hint too fizzy.
Flavor: 8/10 (B)
Though the beer has problems covering up the flavor of the alcohol, it is nonetheless outstanding and strong, with a malty, citrusy flavor and a slight sweetness to finish it off.
Overview: 7.5 (B-)
A typical Belgian beer, standing out amongst most as a fine brew. Worth the ten dollars simply for the neat little crock it comes in. I'd like to try the blonde version of this beer.
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